Film Printing: in the polymer film printed on a variety of patterns;
Spray primer: many water transfer printing processing materials are coated with a layer of adhesive, if you want to transfer a different pattern, use a different ground color;
The extension of the membrane: so that the membrane is on the water level, and to be flat membrane stretch;
Activation: a special solvent (activator) to transfer the printing film pattern activation into the ink state;
Transfer printing: using water pressure, the pattern after the water transfer printing processing activation is printed on the substrate;
Water washing: will be printed on the remaining impurities of the workpiece washed with water;
Drying: the water transfer printing process is printed on the workpiece drying, temperature from the melting point of the material and the element of the point of view;
Spray Paint: spray transparent protective paint to protect the surface of the printed object;
Drying: to dry the surface of an object which has been sprayed with finish paint.